Boothbay Region Garden Club

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Change of Date for Floral Design Class, Falmouth, ME April 20, 2023 10am to noon
Message from Harriet, GCFM president.
Due to numerous conflicts, the Judges’ Council program on floral design basics has been changed to April 20, 2023. This program will help garden club members become more comfortable creating floral arrangements. This will take place in the auditorium at S. Mary’s church, Falmouth, ME from 10-noon. This program will presented free of charge.
Topics to be covered will include Conditioning Fresh Plant Material, How To Choose A Container and Various Types Of Mechanics (what to use to hold your flowers in place). If this program proves successful, we will “take it on the road” and bring it to your club.
Please email Marilyn Traiser at if you are interested in attending.
For those of you who have been taking the Wednesday Design Classes, Judges Council will not be scheduling them for this year. If enough interest is shown, we will continue them sometime in the future.
I am excited about this and I expect some of your members will be, too. Please help us spread the word in your clubs.