Boothbay Region Garden Club
July 13, 2022 Art and Whimsy in the Garden Lisa Colburn
October 12, 2022 Winter Sowing: Mini-greenhouses for winter seed germination Deanna Clarkson
March 8, 2023 Veggies to Table Erica Berman...see presentation details and notes
December, 2023 Field Trip to Victoria Mansion, Portland, Maine
April 12, 2023 Conley's Introductory Presentation
May 10, 2023 Getting to Know Our Club
Jane Lunt shared about our scholarship program.
Melissa Thornton introduced the new and improved website.
May 21, 2023 The First Member Garden Visit: Cocktails in the Greenhouse at Melissa Thornton's
June 14, 2023 Annual Meeting at the Boothbay Harbor Yacht Club Presenter: Martha Blakeslee on 'Flower Arranging at the White House'
August 9, 2023 Stan Wakefield: Birds in the Garden
September 12, 2023 Veggies to Table FIELD TRIP
September 13, 2023 Barter's Island Bees
October 11, 2023 CMBG Speaker, Irene Barber
November 8, 2023 Soup Pot Luck and wreath decorating
December, 2023 Holiday Festival--no BRGC Club meeting
List of Past Presentations
Press images below to read more about the presentation
Our BRGC September program by Donna & Denny Denniston, from Barter’s Island Bees, provided our club members with the wonderful opportunity to learn about their beekeeping, the bees making of honey and for us to sample and buy a variety of products made from their honey. For more information visit their website at

Stan Wakefield has been an enthusiastic birder and gardener for the past 25 years and has tried to combine his interest in both by planting trees,
shrubs, and perennials to attract and benefit wildlife. He lives in East Boothbay and is known to get long-winded when talking about birds.
A Short list of Native Plants to Attract Birds and Pollinators
Goldfinger shrubby cinquefoil/Potentilla fruiticosa
New England aster/Symphotricum
Baby Joe Pye weed/Eutrochium dubium
Autumn gold sunflower/Helianthus salicifolius
Ruby Spice summer sweet/Clethra alnifolia
Spicebush/Lindera benzoin
Bush honeysuckle/Diervilla rivularis & lonicera
Flowers & Berries
Little goblin red winterberry/Ilex verticillata
Jim Dandy (male) & Wildfire (female) winterberry/Ilex verticillata
Blue prince (m) & princess (f) holly/Ilex meserveae (now self-pollinating version available)
Bunchberry/Cornus canadensis
Massachusetts bearberry/Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
Tall shrubs
Black/red chokeberry/Aronia melanocarpia & arbutifolia
Serviceberry/Amelanchier canadensis Vine
Coral honeysuckle/Lonicera sempervirens
Barbara Murphy presents 'Go Native for Pollinators' at Valentine Farm 6.13.23
Melissa Thornton, WebMaster,
presents her new BRGC website 5.10.23