Boothbay Region Garden Club

President's News
Dear Garden Club Members;
Welcome to March with longer days, especially since we and our clocks "Spring" forward for Daylight Savings time on Sunday March 9th. Then on March 20th we welcome the Vernal Equinox, the first day of Spring, when daytime and nighttime are (mostly) equal. I don't know about you, but I am READY for Spring.
Here's the March Garden Club Calendar
Tuesday March 4 11:00am
Garden Therapy, St Andrews Village contact: Jane Homer
BRGC Board of Directors 11:30 am
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
St Columba's Episcopal Church
All are welcome
March Membership Meeting at Beautiful St Columba's Episcopal Church
Tea Service 12:30
Business Meeting at 1:00 followed by program on "Trees"
Look forward to seeing you all
Irene Fowle, President

Hello, Hello;
It sure has been a cold, real, old fashioned winter. I sure am ready to hear about gardening, plants and spring. I would bet you are too. So join us for our February Member's Meeting. We're celebrating the success of the Holiday Festival with a pizza lunch. There will be our usual tea and drinks, but we're hoping you could bring some of your favorite finger food desserts to share. We're trying to keep it simple; no tables and chairs to move around. (We did that enough in December for the Holiday Festival). But, it will be festive just being with you all and a chance to celebrate.
Wednesday February 12, 2025 at 12:30 Pizza lunch with potluck desserts..St Columba's Episcopal Church, 32 Emery Lane, BBH, Me 04538
1:00 Members Meeting: Lasagna Gardening with Kevin Bowler
Boothbay Region Garden Club Board Meeting
11:30 at St Columba's Episcopal Church
All are welcome
We aren't quite ready to sell Home and Garden Tour Tickets to Members quite yet. Plan on our March meeting to sign up to help with the Tour and purchase your half price ticket.
It's going to be a fabulous tour.

Chilly this morning, but it is the end of November. What a beautiful fall we just had. Onto December we go with Holiday fun, families and friends visiting and most importantly
..Ta Da.. The Boothbay Region Garden Club Holiday Festival at St Columba Episcopal Church on Friday December 6 and Saturday December 7th, with Thursday December 5th to set up this fabulous event. Looking forward to seeing you all there.
There will be no Board of Directors or Members meeting in December or January. More time to have fun working on the Holiday Festival.
Table and Mantle Decoration building, Nut Butter Birdhouses and pinecone bird feeders creating.: Tuesday December 3rd.. Southport Town Hall.. 9am to noon..Bring any interesting or beautiful Christmas themed containers, evergreens or dried flowers. Also, Holly with Berries, Cedar Boughs, dried flowers with long stems, money plant, goldenrod, wired ribbon. Not too late to bring items for the Shopkeepers too. Christmas themed linens, jewelry, decorations, tree ornaments, items for the Sweet Shop and gallon bags of your favorite entree for "Dinner's Ready" if you aren't able to be there on December 5th.
Meanwhile, it's time to bake for the Sweet Shop...cookies, pies, breads, cakes Bring them Thursday December 5th to the Episxopal Church
"Dinner's Ready" needs your meals for four people, frozen flat in a gallon zip lock bag. When cooking for family or friends, just make additional servings for "Dinner's Ready" Soups, stews, vegetarian, meat lover, gluten free...bring your frozen meal to the Episcopal Church Thursday morning or contact Linda Bonin for any questions.
Thursday December 5th...Set up at the Episcopal Church at 8am. We need additional strong back folks to help carry display cabinets from Big Als to the Church and tote all the tables and fabulous items we are selling. Please let me know if you or a loved one can help in the morning. Especially if they have a truck too, but a strong back is the most important, besides a good sense of humor. Set up should be done by 10:00, which is when we would prefer the ShopKeepers arrive, unless they are also setting up. So, Set up at 8:00 at the Episcopal Church, ShopKeepers at 10:00. Lunch will be provided.
Friday December 6th.. Holiday Festival 10:00 to 4:00 pm.
Saturday December 7th.... Holiday Festival 10:00 to 3:00 pm Clean up after

We certainly had a beautiful fall. But, there is a lot of Garden Club fun coming up. Join us!
Saturday November 2nd at 1:00pm the St Andrew's Thrift Store Christmas Closet will be organizing and cleaning up. We have been invited to help with this task and collect items for our shops at the Holiday Festival. Please let me know if you are planning to help out. Irene
Tuesday November 5 11am...Garden Therapy St Andrews
Monday November 11: 11am...wreath laying at the the Blue Star Memorial, Boothbay Harbor
*****Wednesday November 13: Board Meeting 11:30 to 12:15 or so
Members Meeting Wednesday November 13. Tea service starts at 12:30
Decorating Christmas Trees for the Holiday Festival is the program: after the business meeting
We will be decorating Christmas Trees to sell at the Holiday Festival. The Garden Club will supply trees, lights and decorations. But, of course, if you have any to share, please bring them along, the more the better. Just bring your Christmas spirit. Last year we sold around forty trees, so, we're trying to make more this year, the more the merrier.
Also, bring any gently used Christmas ornaments, candles, plates, decorations for resale at the Holiday Festival.
And, "Dinner is Ready" .....bring four servings of a dinner favorite in a gallon zip lock bag, and most importantly an ingredient list. We'll find a freezer for it.
November 26 or 27th will be Wreath Pick Up at the Episcopal Church.......Kevin or Karen will make contact once confirmed
Tuesday December 3rd....Southport Town Hall 9am to noon
table arrangements, peanut butter bird houses, pinecone bird feeders...All for the Holiday Festival starting Friday
Thursday December 4th...set up for the Holiday Festival..St Columbas Church time to be announced
December 6 & 7 th Holiday Festival at St Columbas Church
Then we rest.....enjoy the Holidays
No Garden Therapy in December
No members meeting in December or January

Hello Everyone;
Fall is in the air for sure. We've had these beautiful, but dry, sunny days, but the nights are definitely cooler. It's still a busy time of year. There's still a lot to do in the gardens. And, there are a lot of ways you can join in the fun of the Boothbay REgion Garden Club.
We're getting ready for the Holiday Festival on Friday December 6 and Saturday December 7. The "Shops" need your donations to help make the event a success. Bring in any gently used Christmas items, like tableware, baskets, jewelry, aprons, cards and containers for adding greenery to. Also any Christmas Trees along with any ornaments or other decorations. We'll find a good use for your donations and you'll have so much more room in your home.
The General Meeting this month is our annual soup pot luck. Make some extra soup and we'll bag it and freeze it for our much loved "Dinner's Ready" shop. Just bring an ingredient list. Buyers like to know what they are buying.
Tuesday October 1: Garden Therapy - St Andrews village
Wednesday October 9th at 11:30 - Board Meeting, St Columbas Church
Wednesday October 9th - Membership Meeting, St Columbas Episcopal Church
Potluck Soup Luncheon at 12:30 Bring a soup to share and a bit extra for the "Dinner is Ready" shop
Member Meeting is a discussion of the BRGC Committees and how to get involved.
Thursday October 17 at 9am: Fall cleanup at the Boothbay Memorial Park. Bring rakes, gloves, leaf scoops, etc.
Treats will be provided.
October 19th at 2:30pm: Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk, Damariscotta, Maine
Every Thursday the Bloomin Babes meet at 10am at the Southport Library
Garden Club Federation of Maine Fall Conference - Friday November 1st.

September! As usual.........Where did the summer go? It is always the busiest, fastest season.
September is usually a beautiful, busy time too. But, it's a bit cooler and drier. Us Northerners like that. Hope to see you in September. (That was a famous song, yes)
September Garden Club Calendar
Yes, it's September and the Holiday festival is amazingly right around the corner. One of our most popular tables is "Dinner's Ready". You can participate in the Holiday Festival right now. Just make a family dinner recipe, a new recipe or an old favorite. Make enough to serve four, then freeze in a gallon plastic bag. Label the contents and put in the freezer till December. If you need freezer space, just let me know. Dinner's Ready meals sell out like....well, "Hot Cakes". You can also bring your contribution to a Member's Meeting. Someone will offer to freeze it for you.
The "Communications Committee" needs photographers for meetings and events. Just bring your camera, snap away then send the pictures to Melissa after letting her know about your participation. Thank you...
Back to the Calendar:
Tuesday 3rd: Garden Therapy at St Andrew's Village
Wednesday September 9 and 23: 10 am Weeding Teams at the Boothbay Memorial Park
Bring gloves, clippers and water.
Wednesday September 11 at 11:30 Board of Directors Meeting, St Columbas Episcopal Church. All are Welcome.
Wednesday, September 11, 2024 ST COLUMBAS EPISCOPAL CHURCH
Tea Service at 12:30..........Business membership Meeting at 1:00 pm, speaker to follow.
Program this month is : POLLINATOR PATHWAYS with Mary Ellen Lemay
Pollinator Pathways is a landowner engagement strategy to improve biodiversity in our own Yards. The Pollinator Pathways Project has all the ingredients to help landowners supercharge biodiversity with simple action steps that have a big impact.Mary Ellen will show you why our yards are vital stepping stones on the journey to heal our landscapes.
On Thursday September 5th, the Southport Bloomin Babes are resuming every Thursday Morning Coffee Klatches featuring gardening topics at the Southport Memorial Library. The Garden Club sponsored pollinator garden at the Southport Memorial Library is in glorious full bloom thanks to the nurturing of Sandra Seifert. We meet for an hour, the coffee pot is always on. We're planning some outings this fall. All Garden Club Members are invited to these too. FMI: contact Claire Tomlinson
Planning ahead: the "Making Strides Against Breast Cancer" walk will be held in Damariscotta on October 19th, 2024 at 2:30pm. The Boothbay REgion Garden Club often has a group of members walking together for this important cause. Bridgette Smith is the coordinator. She'll have more info at the Members Meeting.
Don't forget to try the Spiced Apple Cider recipe featured in the Garden Club Yearbook for September. Sure looks yummy for a cool Autumn day.
Hope to see you in September
Irene Fowle, President

It's August, August in Maine..Lucky Us
Summer, It sure has been Summer, hot, sunny, the plants and flowers are just magnificent this year.
Here's the rundown of August Garden Club Events:
Monday August 5, 12, 19 : 10:00 am Weeding Teams- Boothbay Memorial Garden
Tues: August 6 at 11:00 AM: Garden Therapy at St Andrew's Village: CANCELLED
Wednesday August 7: Field Trip to Brae Burn Farm and Merryspring Gardens
We will meet at 9:30 at the Boothbay Fire Station to carpool to Brae Burn Farm in Union. Linda Redman, and possibly Liz Stanley, will greet us at the Farm at 10:30 and give us a tour. Then we'll head to Camden for lunch. Currently thinking about the Waterfront Restaurant, but let me know if you have other ideas. After lunch we will go to Merryspring Gardens, right there in Camden. John Frommer will give us a tour of this wonderful garden. Then happy and tired we will head home.
Wednesday August 14: 11:00 St Columba's Church SUMMER FAIR REVIEW All are welcome
Wednesday August 14 11:30: Board Meeting - St Columba's Church
Wednesday August 14: GENERAL MEETING
Tea Service at 12:30. A very generous, anonymous donor is providing food for our tea service this month. Thank you generous donor.
Membership Meeting at 1:00
Speaker is Rebecca Jacobs from Knox Lincoln Conservation District. She will be discussing their new Conservation Landscape Certification program. This free certification program helps landowners implement conservation practices with guidance and ideas from staff and one-on-one help on your property.
Sounds neat and Rebecca is a good speaker.
That's it for August........Hope to see you. Irene Fowle, President

I love it, especially because we have a lot of fun planned, so join us.
Starting off this Friday, June 28th. A Pop-up Potluck Garden Party at Melissa Thornton's. Here's the info from her.
Melissa was going to host a Member Garden Visit in mid-July, but a vacation rental guest group just booked that week, so she is doing a real, last minute 'pop-up' potluck party at her home this Friday, June 28th from 4-7pm. Please check out the details here and RSVP if you can join us there.'
Monday July 8, 15, 22 at 10:00 am: Weeding Teams Boothbay Memorial Park. Bring your clippers, gloves, hats, etc.
Tuesday July 2 11am Garden Therapy at St Andrew's Village
Wednesday July 10th 11:30 Board Meeting: St Columba's Episcopal Church
Wednesday July 10th at 12:30 St Columba's Episcopal Church
Members Meeting: Summer Bouquets
Flower arranging for the Summer Fair: Bring flowers and greenery from your gardens. We'll combine them with club purchased flowers and make flower arrangements. Bring vases too, for yourself and especially if you have any to donate to the Summer in Bloom fair.
Saturday July 13th: Boothbay in Bloom Summer Fair 9am to 4 pm
We'll be setting up around 6am (at least Kevin and her crew) . I am not an early morning person, but hopefully even I will be there then. I will be making coffee which is most important.
It will be such a fun day. Join us and the almost ten non-profits to celebrate summer and our wonderful Boothbay Community. Bring any visiting family, friends. We'll find something for them to do and they will get a "real" sense of this wonderful community we live in.
We still need more sweets, especially pies, gently used summer themed items ( plates, planters, napkins, glasses, jewelry, plants from your home or garden, gently used gardening items, and mostly your time and energy. We are also accepting monetary donations to offset the cost. Contact me, Irene, at if you have any questions or suggestions. I can pick up any donations, or you can just bring them to the July 10th meeting.
Sunday July 14.... collapse with that satisfying feeling of a job well done. Phew!
Wednesday July 24: Field trip to Glendarrah Lavender Farm in Appleton: See website FMI:
Every Thursday at 10am: The Blooming Babes at the Southport Library
It's definitely going to be a fun month...join us Irene Fowle, President

Ah June! Summer..time for gardening and having fun with your Garden Club
Here's the June Let's-have-Fun Garden ClubCalendar:
Welcome back Summer Members, we are so happy to have you back. We need your and everyone's help with our new Boothbay In Bloom Summer Fair on July 13. If you can bake goodies, please contact Sally Maher at the Sweet Table (207-252-4962). She can help you find freezer space if you need it. If you can help serve popcorn and lemonade, contact Claire Tomlin at 305-775-2166. Do you have plants in your garden to donate? Remember they need to be in potting soil to prevent spreading weeds and bugs...but just contact Ida Lancaster. She'll help you dig them and give you good advice too. Ida: 601-613-1205. Also, save all those gardening and household treasures that are ready for someone else to enjoy, baskets, garden decorations, napkins, table cloths, dishes. Contact Julie Krug at 207-315-6267. Love coffee, join Irene at the coffee table - 207-315-5429. Or just sign up to help out in any of the tents. We're also accepting monetary donations If you are not available on Saturday July 13. It's going to be so much fun...don't miss it. Bring your family and friends. We're having fun activities, music and barbeque. How can you go wrong? You can bring your donations to a meeting too.
Irene Gerny has twenty million (almost) daylilies she would love to donate, but she needs help digging them up.
Call her at 207-633-5052
June Dates to Remember:
**Monday June 3 and Monday June17: Weeding Teams 10:00 contact Karen Iliades
Tuesday June 4: Garden Therapy St Andrew's Village 11:00 Contact Vanda Yonge
**Wednesday June 12: Annual Meeting and Luncheon at the Boothbay Harbor Yacht Club 10:30
Send Check of $38 for luncheon and $30 for annual dues - total of $68 to:
Sandy Abernathy, 53 Annable Road, Boothby, Me 04537 by June 5.
Program is John Fromer from MerrySpring Gardens in Camden....."Speed dating for Perennials"
June 27th - Field Trip to Avena Botanicals in Camden. This is a very special place. We are really lucky to be able to visit. Tickets online at Avena FMI: Melissa Thornton: 207-633-6566.
Every Thursday the "Bloomin Babes" meet at 10:00 at the Southport Library for informal gardening chats and coffee.
Contact Claire Tomlin at 305-775-2166
Look forward to seeing you all at the Annual Luncheon....bring a centerpiece if you can, but notify Sandy first..
And bring any garden or household items to sell at our Boothbay in Bloom Summer Fair

Happy Spring!
It is really here, daffodils, spring peepers, grass is greening, longer days. It sure brings me joy, as I hope it does for you.
We're going to have a very special members meeting on Wednesday, May 8th at the Episcoal Church. The planned speaker had to cancel for health reasons. But, lucky us, Pauline Dion, the founder and director of the Boothbay Sea and Science Center is going to speak. The Boothbay Sea and Science Center is an experience-based Summer Camp focusing on teaching our young people about boat handling and the sea ecology. Not only that, but in the winter the program expands to local schools to teach about seaweed farming. Our club has donated campership funds to the Sea and Science Center the last few years. This year, The Boothbay Sea and Science Center will also receive our flower boxes. Pauline is a fun speaker, who has made a huge difference in our community. Come hear her and find out why we are supporting this organization.
So: off to the actual calendar
Thursday May 2nd....Bloomin Babes gardening coffee and chat, every Thursday actually, at 10:00 at the Southport Library. A time to meet and share with other gardeners.
Monday, May 6th....Medomak District of GCF Convention...Wiscasset Yacht Club - 9:30 till 2:00 Meeting, Awards, Lunch and Speaker....oh, garden stuff shopping too
Tuesday May 7th....Garden Therapy 11:00 am St Andrew's Village
Wednesday May 8th.....Board Meeting at 11:30 St Columba's Episcopal Church followed by:
Tea Service at 12:30, followed by a business meeting, then Pauline Dion talking about the Sea and Science Center.
Wednesday May 22nd.......Flower planting (my favorite thing) in the Armillary Garden, Civil War Monument and also flower box planting too. Bring shovels, gloves, hats. We'll have water and cookies. Yummmm... Meet at the Boothbay Common Gazebo at 9:00 am, home when done.
Hope to see you at some of these events. Irene Fowle, President

BRGC President's News
FEBRUARY: As I write to you it is gently snowing outside. The world is so quiet, peaceful because of the snow. So beautiful too, everything coated in a white blanket. We are so lucky to live in this remarkable place. Not only for its beauty, but also all the remarkable people that make up this community we live in.
But, Summer, Ah! Remember Summer!
As you probably remember our Annual Home and Garden Tour was planned to highlight the neighborhood of "Ocean Point". Our wonderful H> Committee, Julie Krug, Ida Lancaster and Annemarie Mahoney secured seven distinctive homes, the Ocean Point Chapel and the Casino. Buses were ordered, plans being made. But, then the horrible storms this January brought huge waves and massive destruction to many coastal towns, including our beloved Ocean Point.
On January 14th I tried to walk around Ocean Point but the road was impassable even when walking. The extent of the damage was heartbreaking and it was clear we would have to postpone our planned H> to 2025.
So, then what do we do? The H> is a major club activity and fundraiser. Kevin suggested a Plant and Craft Sale on the Boothbay Common during the summer. When the Holiday Festival committee met yesterday this idea was suggested and was met with much enthusiasm and lots of good ideas. If all goes as planned, and we get BOD approval, Saturday July 13 will be the day of the First Annual Boothbay Region Garden Club Plant and Craft Fair. Or, something like that, we haven't decided on a name yet, even.
Please, let me know what you think, any ideas, suggestions, offers to help....
That's the News....Here's the February Calendar
Tues February 8th 10:00 AM Garden Therapy at St Andrews contact Jane Homer
Wednesday February 14th 11:30 to 12:15 Board of directors Meeting at St Columba's Church
Wednesday February 14th 12:30 Membership Meeting and Potluck Lunch
This is one of our most enjoyable meetings, where we discover exactly how culinary talented our members are. Or what they can find at Hannafords (that's me). This is a true potluck, no food categories assigned, so bring a favorite dish to share. Bring the recipe too if possible.
Tea Committee: Susan stapleton, Sandra Seifert and Kelly Race We Thank you

Dear Garden Club Members;
Congratulations and a huge Thank You to all who participated in our Holiday Festival at St Columba's Episcopal Church. This beautiful church came alive with all our decorations and beautifully organized tables. Many people have stopped me in Hannaford's or just around town to say how much they loved the new venue and our Holiday Festival. I couldn't agree more. We did good.
Our treasurer, Sandy, has a gross revenue total, which you'll all be proud of. Right now: We all need time to enjoy family, friends and the holidays so sometime in January we'll have the actual net total and a breakdown. Another chance to celebrate.
A special thank you to Kevin Bowler for taking on this enormous project and making the Boothbay Region Garden Club Holiday Festival just shine. Thank you for your artistry, creativity, organization and for your incredible patience and good humor. Thank You, thank you.
Cookbook News !!
The other great news is that the wonderful Boothbay Region Garden Club Cookbook (yes our own cookbook) is now available for sale at the St Andrew's Thrift Shop. Just in time for your Holiday Gift Giving. So, stop by the St Andrew's Thrift (or Gift) Shop and pick up our cookbook. You'll probably find a lot of other great things too. A huge Thank You to Carole McCarthy, Thrift Shop Manager, for this opportunity. Of course, the biggest Thank You goes to Linda Bonin for creating the cookbook.
So: back to the calendar:
January: No meeting - No Board meeting Ah, we can rest
Wednesday February 14th at 11:30 First Board Meeting of 2024 St Columba's Episcopal Church
Wednesday February 14th First General Meeting of 2024 starting at 12:30.
This is a traditional pot-luck lunch. More to follow in a later calendar
I usually reach out to the committee chairs for information before I send this calendar, but alas, this calendar doesn't include any updates from them.
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. All the best to you in 2024. Thank you for your friendship, kindness, creativity and inspiration in 2023. Looking forward to 2024.
Irene Fowle
BRGC President

We are all saddened and shaken by the tragic events of last week. I know that you and all our member's hearts go out to all the families and individuals personally affected by this horrific event. We hold our friends and family even closer after times like these. Thank you all for being a member of this club, for all you do, for all your smiles, laughter and just showing up. Thank you.
Irene Fowle, President
Boothbay Region Garden Club November/December Calendar
So, hold onto your hats, November and December are busy months, but such fun too. Then, phew, we rest....till February.
Tuesday November 7: Garden Therapy at St Andrew' Jane Homer
Wednesday November 8: 11:30 to 12:15 Board Meeting at St Columba's Episcopal Church
November Member Meeting
Wednesday November 8th at St Columba's Episcopal Church at 12:30
PotLuck Soup Luncheon (Yum, Yum)
Please bring in your soup, bread or dessert by noon. Soups should be hot due to limited time and kitchen space..
Program is Christmas tree decorating, instead of the usual wreath decorating.
Last year we sold around 25 3-4 ft trees at the Holiday Festival. So, we thought it may be fun for you all to have a chance to add your tree decorating skills. Bring in any extra ornaments or artificial trees you have. We will use some of your ornaments that day, but the rest will go on a big tree and be sold individually. We love theme ornaments: angels, lighthouses, santas, dogs,horses, you get it: We had two Mah Jongg trees last year, they sold right away.
All the tables are looking for gently used Christmas items, household items, lovely jewelry. You name it. Anything in excellent condition that we can offer to our customers at the Christmas Festival that will ensure we can provide the scholarships we promise to our young students. For example: tablecloths , vases, dishes, glasses, Christmas cards, children's toys, ornaments, artificial swags or wreaths........Please bring them to this meeting.
Also: Don't Forget to bring in a meal for four for "Dinners to Go". A fun table at our Holiday Festival. Bring in a frozen dinner in a gallon ziplock bag, serving for four people. Linda Bonin can pick it up too. just email her at
Saturday November 11th at 10:00 am. Veteran's Day placing of a wreath at the Blue Star Memorial.
Contact Linda Redman for more information
Friday November 17th at 10:00: pick up wreaths for public buildings
Tuesday November 28th at 10am at the Southport Town Hall. Floral arrangement, boxwood trees and peanut butter birdhouse workshop. Bring interesting vases, especially Chritmas themed, ribbons, eye catchers for the arrangements, tiny ornaments for the boxwood trees. And, anything you can donate for the tables at the Holiday Festival.
Thursday November 30th: Set Up: St Columba's Episcopal Church; Kevin said she would be there at 7:00 AM. I won't be there that early. But, do join us. We need all our help. We'll finish when we're finished setting up, so come whenever you can.
Friday December 1st: Holiday Festival opens (phew). St Columba's Church 10am to 3pm
Saturday December 2nd: Holiday Festival 10am to 3pm. Then clean up after. Again, many hands make light work.
No meeting in December or January.

Fall is definitely in the air this morning. A good time to enjoy the cool, crisp weather and the wonderful Boothbay Region Garden Club programs. For more complete information and pictures too visit our wonderful website….
Irene Fowle, President
Boothbay Region Garden Club October Calendar
:Monday October 2: Weeding Team #1. Postponed till Friday October 20
Tuesday October 3: Garden Therapy at St Andrews. contact Jane Homer: You must fill all the requirements of a Lincoln Health Volunteer before participating.
: Wednesday October 11: Board Meeting at 11:30, St Columba's Church.
Followed by:
October Membership Meeting - St Columba's Episcopal Church
Tea Service at 12:30, Business Meeting at 1:00
Here's your chance to declutter and bring any Christmas Trees, ornaments, decorations, etc. Also gently used Christmas glassware, dishes, tablecloths, jewelry, cards, etc. Anything we can sell at our wonderful Christmas Market in December.
Also, dinner for four, flat frozen in a gallon plastic bag. Or just bring it and we will freeze it.
:Our speaker will be Irene Barbour from the Coastal Maine Botanical Garden. She will talk about therapeutic and Accessible Gardens. Designs and tools to make gardening physically easier. Still fun.
Monday October 16: Weeding Team - see Friday October 20 th
:Friday October 20: Amilliary Garden Fall Clean Up at 9:00. Snacks and beverages provided. Contact Kevin Bowler:
Sunday October 22: Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk. 1:00 pm
Damariscotta.. Contact Bridgette Smith @
Tuesday October 24: GCFM Fall Conference, Augusta Civic Center
"Gardening for the Soul"
$30.00 for members, bring a check to the Members meeting on the 11th.

Boothbay Region Garden Club September Events
The Summer sure has flown by, don't know where it went, but it's just about September. Here's the Garden Club Calendar for September. Or at least, what I think is current. Let me know any changes. New members are always welcome at these events. Hope to see you at some of these events.
Irene Fowle
Tuesday September 5th: Garden Therapy at St Andrews. This month is flower arranging. Jane asks us to bring flowers, greens, etc from our gardens for this meeting. Just leave them at St Andrews Village by the front doors in the buckets that Jane conveniently provides. All flowers, greens. welcome. New members are also welcome. Contact Jane Homer
**Wednesday September 6th: Weeding team #1. Date is Changed from the Monday Holiday. Contact Bridgette Smith
September 9th. Social evening at the Southport Yacht Club was cancelled this year. Ida's Wonderful Boathouse Party last June was well attended by family and friends.
***September 12th: Tour of Veggies to Table in Newcastle. We still have a few openings for this tour, which Linda Redman says is fabulous. The tour is from 3:00 to 4:30 pm. If interested contact Irene Fowle
September 13th. Board Meeting at 11:30 (not 11:00 as the Yearbook says). St Columba's Episcopal Church.
***September 13: Members meeting: Program is Denny Dennison from Barter's Island Bees ( he is great)
12:30: Social Time and Tea
1:00 Business meeting starts, followed by program around 1:30'
Don't forget to go through your attic, basement, closet or storage unit and bring gently used Christmas ornaments, decorations, trees, dinnerware, jewelry, scarves. Whatever you think may sell at the Christmas Market in December. Also any items we can use when crafting. Your item might be someone's treasure and brighten their cold, dreary December day.
Also: In a cooking mood. Save four servings, put them in a quart zip lock bag and bring those to the meeting for "Meals to Go" Linda will put them in her freezer to save for the Holiday Festival.
Monday September 18th: Weeding Team # 2. Help weed and care for the Armillary Garden and other gardens we manage.
****All this and more can be found on our wonderful website:
All Club member emails are available in the Directory component in our Year Book.
Boothbay Region Garden Club August Events
Finally summer is here. I am so glad to see the sun today.
Congratulations to the Home and Garden Tour Co-Chairs, Ida Lancaster, Ann Marie Mahoney and Julie Krug for a very successful event. As fabulous as they are, they couldn't have done it without you, the members of this wonderful club. So, a big thank you to all the hostesses, car parkers, cookie bakers, ticket sellers and everyone who participated.
August 1, Tuesday: Garden Therapy - contact Jane Homer if interested.
August 7, Monday: Weeding Team #1 - Contact Bridgette Smith if interested.
August 9th, Wednesday: Members Meeting and Board of Directors Meeting
St. Columba's Episcopal Church
Board of Directors Meeting - 11:30
Members Meeting: Tea and Social Time at 12:30
Business Meeting Starts at 1:00 pm. Guest speaker Stan Wakefield - "Birds in the Garden" follows.
Stan Wakefield has been an enthusiastic birder and gardener for the past 25 years.
A light summer tea will be provided by the club. We always welcome members' donations to the tea.
Also, Bring Items for the Holiday Festival:
Planning for the Holiday Festival has begun. ( I know we just finished the Home and Garden Tour). We know many of our members are not able to be with us for the Holiday Festival and would love to contribute to this spectacular event. Consider letting go of some of your "gently" used holiday and home decor. Also, any jewelry, scarves, notepads, journals, decorative pillows, home or kitchen items. If you loved it, someone else might too. Bring your donations to any meeting. Thank You
August 21, Monday ......Weeding Team #2 - Contact Becky Singer if interested-
I'm hoping to have our BRGC cookbook ready for sale at our Holiday Festival. It would be wonderful to have at least one recipe from each member, so if you haven't sent me one. Now is the time. We could use more main dish recipes, but anything you send is good. We can't use recipes published in a copyrighted book, but if you've made adjustments that made it your own, those we can use. A photo of the finished product is the best. Please send your recipes to Linda Bonin
We have been asked to participate in a Brown Tail Moth Survey by the University of Maine:
Greetings from the University of Maine. You may have read it in the news, or worse, experienced it, but browntail moth has been the bane of Maine for the past few years. From its itchy toxic hairs to eating a buffet of Maine’s beautiful trees, wanting to control this pest is on many Mainers’ minds. Graduate students McK Mollner (School of Economics) and Devin Rowe (School of Biology and Ecology) invite you to take this short research survey to hear your views about browntail moth. To take part, you must be at least 18 years old.
The survey is confidential and will take 20 minutes. Once you reach the end of the survey, you can enter a raffle for a $75 LL Bean gift card. The survey will be open until the first week of August 2023. If you have already submitted this survey via postal invitation, thank you for doing so. Please do not respond to the survey again. If you have any questions about this research, you may contact the research team at or (207)-814-8505.
Please use your computer to respond to the survey.
**Please participate by using the following link:
McK Mollner
Advisor: Dr. Mario Teisl
Devin Rowe
Advisor: Dr. Angela Mech"
Boothbay Region Garden Club July Events
July sure is going to be a fun and busy month for our club with many opportunities to participate and be engaged. So you don’t miss out, here’s a reminder.
*Monday July 3: Weeding Team: FMI: Brigitte Smith -
*Tuesday July 11: Garden Therapy at St Andrew’s Village FMI:
Contact Jane Homer
*Wednesday July 12: Meetings at St Columba’s Episcopal Church
Board Meeting: 11:00 to 12:15
*Membership Meeting starting at 12:30 with a PotLuck Summer Tea
The February Pot Luck is always fun, so the Tea Committee thought we’d try it again when our Summer members are here too. A true Potluck, no assignments, just bring something to share. A favorite recipe, a family tradition or something from Hannaford’s are all welcome for this Garden Club Summer Tea.
1:00: Membership meeting: highlight will be a short presentation by our current scholarship students, Della Hahn and Grace Campbell
1:30: Flower Design - Summer Inspirations
Bring a small to medium size vase or fun container along with any extra flowers from your garden to be included with club purchased flowers to create an arrangement that brings Summer to mind.
*Monday July 17: Weeding Team: FMI: contact Becky Singer
*Friday July 21: The Fabulous Home and Garden Tour
This is going to be another wonderful tour. Tickets are selling fast for this year’s Home and Garden Tour. Thank you David Applegate for all the wonderful publicity.
Here’s how you can participate and join the fun:
Don’t forget to bring a check or cash to purchase a ticket at the General Meeting on Wednesday July 12.
Sign up to be a hostess at one of the fabulous homes. Hostess duties this year are for two hours, giving you plenty of time to visit all the homes.
MAKE COOKIES: Our Home and Garden Tour guests traditionally receive a small bag with a few homemade cookies. Kevin Bowler has made a challenge to the club. She will make 200 cookies. She challenges the rest of the club to make another 300 cookies. These are small cookies. Just a taste, a pick-me-up. Please bring them on July 12 to the members meeting at St Columbas.
So: for the July 12th meeting bring (if you can):
Potluck dish to share
Vase or container for a flower arrangement (We will have extra vases there)
Any Extra flowers in your garden to compliment the store bought ones
Small Cookies for the Home and Garden Tour
But, mostly just bring yourself. That is the most important thing. We’re so glad you are a member of this vibrant Garden Club and happy to have you participate in any way you can.
Irene Fowle, President
Dear Presidents (please share this information with your members)
Bath Garden Club member Pam Allen’s Oak Hill Lodge in Nobleboro will be the setting of the first GCFM open garden for 2023. It will be open from 10am until 3 pm on May 8.
The early May date was chosen to highlight the garden’s daffodils. There are thousands of flowers with new bulbs added every fall. Those who visited the very first open garden in 2021 know that fanciful outbuildings Pam and her husband Eric made of recycled architectural material add charm to the garden. This year they are also opening their home to visitors. The unique space includes an authentic looking English pub in the basement.
Pam’s garden has been in Downeast’s Maine Homes magazine. Pam was recognized by GCFM with the Stella Dearborn award as the best all around member gardener and by New England Garden Club with an award for the best perennial garden. PRESS HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION.
The 11 am gardening program will be by Brent McHale, a CMBG horticulturist. He will talk about bulbs. Brent is also in charge of Gardens Aglow at CMBG and may be willing to answer questions about it. The 1 pm floral design program will be led by Sabrina Warner of St Mary’s Garden Club. Please bring your own lawn chair for seating.
If you would like to come for the day, you are welcome to bring a picnic lunch. This is a perfect opportunity to visit with other gardeners. It’s also a chance to get inspired and to learn from the presentations.
A suggested donation of $10 payable at the garden pays for the program.
Directions to 41 Bayview Road, Nobleboro:
For clubs south of Pam's:
On Rt. 1 North, go past the exit for Damariscotta/Pemaquid. About 1.5 miles further on Rt. 1 there will be a yellow flashing light. Make a left at the light onto Belvedere Rd., following it about 2 miles until it ends, intersecting with Bayview Rd. Make a right onto Bayview and Oak Hill Lodge is about 1/4 mile on the left (41 Bayview) on the crest of the hill, with a small “Oak Hill Lodge” sign by the driveway.
For clubs coming from the north:
Coming down Route 1 South, you will come to where it intersects with Business Rt. 1 at Hunt Brothers Lumber Co. Stay on Rt. 1 and you will come to a yellow flashing light. At the light make a right onto Belvedere Rd., following it about 2 miles until it ends, intersecting with Bayview Rd. Make a right onto Bayview and Oak Hill Lodge is about
1/4 mile on the left (41 Bayview) on the crest of the hill, with a small “Oak Hill Lodge” sign by the drive.
Harriet B. L. Robinson, PhD
107 Bow St.
Otisfield, ME 04270
Dear Members,
Happy Spring!! So glad to be able to say that. I wish you all a wonderful Easter/Spring celebration.
Next week St. Columba’s will become a classroom for the 4th graders to finish their school year. We have to reschedule April and move our May meetings. April is rescheduled for the 19th (spring break for the kids) at St Columba’s.
To meet the Medomak meeting registration deadline of April 14th, Sandy Abernathy has asked that if you’re going to the Medomak District Meeting, please send your checks, by April 12th, to Sandy’s home address: 53 Annable Road, Boothbay 04537. Thank you.
Our tea service and social time will begin at 12:30p and this month, Abbie Shaw, our Hospitality committee chair has a special treat... she will be serving pizza. If you would like to participate in our tea service, we would very much appreciate if you would bring a salad or a dessert to compliment our pizza. Please let Abbie know if you plan to bring a salad or dessert. Thank you!!
Our business meeting will begin at 1:00pm and our program will follow. Our program will be a speaker from the new management of Conley’s nursery to share future plans for how they will be serving our community.
Our garden season has begun and we have many fun activities to share with you.
Upcoming Events:
April 20th: GCFM Floral Design workshop 10a-12p -St. Mary’s Church, Falmouth, ME (we will car pool)
May 1st: Medomak District Annual Meeting-Topsham (we will carpool)
May 4th: Tea Cup flower design workshop- Rotary Club house (cups will be sold at GCFM annual convention)
Other Opportunities:
April 22: CMBG opportunity to volunteer for Earth Day at the Boothbay Library……4 volunteers that can cover the CMBG table at the Boothbay Harbor library for Earth Day on 4/22. (Outside). Either a 2 hour shift or a 4 hour shift. 9:30-11:30 or 11:30-1:30. Call Kelly Hamilton
Gloria Wakefield, President