Boothbay Region Garden Club
Blue Star Memorial
Boothbay Region Garden Club honors veterans on Veteran’s Day
On a cold and windy Veteran’s Day in November 2010, the Boothbay Region Garden
Club dedicated a Blue Star Memorial Marker in Boothbay Harbor. Each year a new
wreath is placed on the marker to honor all the veterans in our community - your
grandparent, mom, dad, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, your best friend, or maybe your
child- who have served or are serving our country in the United States Military.
Blue Star Memorial Markers and Blue Star Memorial Highway Markers are located
throughout the United States and are a project of the National Garden Club’s Inc. The
program has been in existence since the early 1950’s. It was the idea of a group of
community minded women who began the project in the late 1940’s who wanted to
honor military men and women returning from World War II.
The main goal of the program today is to honor and recognize all the members of the
United States military….Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard or the National
Guard. These veterans have stood and are still standing in our place to protect the
many freedoms we enjoy and often take for granted…
It is the hope that our own Blue Star Memorial Marker by the Boothbay Region High
School will be a reminder to all our friends and neighbors of the sacrifices our military
members and their families make on our behalf.
We know freedom is not free and that there are many in our community that have
served and are serving to pay to keep our country free. We wish to thank each and
every one of them.
At 10 AM on Saturday, 11 November, 2023, please join members of the Boothbay Region
Garden Club when a wreath will be placed on the Blue Star Memorial Marker in honor
of all United States military members…..past, present, and future.